Visual Examination
One of the key steps in failure analysis is both the visual examination of the as received part followed by a more detailed visual examination under a high-powered stereoscopic microscope with a capability of taking three dimensional images.
Visual examination allows for subtle surface features to be observed such as discoloration due to corrosion or overheating. This ability to observe colours is particularly important as colour is not observable under the scanning electron microscope, with may be used later in the investigation.
The stereoscopic examination enables decisions to be made regarding selection of areas for metallographic cross-sectioning and representative samples to be examined under the electron microscope.
The stereoscopic microscope has also an important use after dye penetrant testing to locate cracks and other defects in both metals and ceramics.
While initial examination is done visually with the naked eye, the use of high-powered stereoscopic microscope enables both detail and subtle color differences to be observed.

Advanced Optical Analysis
Our state of the art equipment including an encoded stereo microscope allows for detailed visual analysis of even the most complex materials