Surface Analysis, Auger, and XPS
Surface analysis is predominantly used to analyze oxide films on the surfaces of electropolished 316L stainless steel used in gas delivery systems and other components of semiconductor manufacturing equipment. Auger analysis not only is able to determine the elemental composition of the surface but can also be used to carry out depth profiling of the oxide film. The data developed can be used to calculate the film thickness of the oxide as well as the chromium-iron ratio.
XPS (electron photon spectroscopy), also known as ESCA (electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis), is an analysis complimentary to Auger. XPS analysis enables bonding information about elements as well as the oxidation states to be determined. For example, residual cyanide from electroplating can be detected because of the C-N bond.
The curves below show an Auger depth profiles measurement of the surface of an anodized chamber which had a deposit of aluminum fluoride.
During the examination the XPS analysis is carried out first because it is least destructive. The Auger analysis is carried out next followed by scanning electron microscopy and if necessary, contact profilometry.
These curves show an Auger depth profiles measurement of the surface of an anodized chamber which had a deposit of aluminum fluoride.